
肿瘤护理学科始建于1983年,2014年被评为四川省卫计委甲级重点学科, 是四川省护理学会肿瘤护理、静脉输液护理、重症护理、手术室护理专科护士培训基地,四川省护士规范化培训基地,承担硕士研究生、本科生教学工作。学科构建了以专业小组为基础的多学科整合照护模式,确定了肿瘤整合照护、集束化中心静脉置管技术与管理、肿瘤癌痛护理以及肿瘤患者延续性护理4个研究方向,其中3个研究方向达到国内领先水平。开设4个专科护理门诊和1个患者康复中心。
Subject introduction of Tumor nursing
The subject of Oncology Nursing was founded in 1983. In 2014, it was established as a key discipline in Sichuan Health Planning Commission. Sichuan Cancer Hospital is the standardized training base of intravenous infusion, intensive care and operating room nursing. It also undertakes the teaching work of Master students and undergraduates. The subject established a multi-disciplinary integrated care model based on professional groups, and identified four research directions: tumor integrated care, clustered central venous catheterization technology & management, tumor-related pain care, continuous care of cancer patients, and three of the research directions have reached the domestic leading level. Sichuan Cancer Hospital conducted 4 specialist nursing clinics and 1 patient rehabilitation center as well.
In the past three years, Sichuan Cancer Hospital participated in one major sub-projects and one international cooperation project,twenty city-level projects. Nursing staff published a total of ten monographs as editor-in-chief, deputy editor and editor, completed six scientific and technological achievements appraisal, awarded a third prize of Science and Technology Achievement Award of China Nursing Association, two second-prize and one third-prize of Sichuan Medical Science and Technology Award, one second-prize & two third-prizes of Chengdu Science and Technology Achievement Award. Nursing group also obtained thirty-two utility model patents, one invention patent, and successfully converted one. At the same time, one software copyright was also obtained.